You don’t get to move forward in life without the odd step backwards.
Life is hard, it throws curveballs at us, gives us tough choices and our brain thinks everything is a matter of life or death.
I’m learning that the more you can minimize the step backwards, the better.
A wise lady once told me that everyone hits the ditch now and then, the trick is to get out of the ditch as quickly as possible (the other trick is recognizing you’re even in the ditch in the first place).
So I’ve been paying attention to people who are moving forward and living a good life, and I’ve begun to pick up on the framework they follow.
1. Self care – they look after their own well being because they know if they aren’t well they can’t do their great work in this world. They get enough sleep, they take their vitamins (and probiotics), they find a way to continuously bring peace back into their life, and they drink lots of water.
2. They are drama free – Drama is fear based and poisonous. It slowly seeps into every area of your life without you realizing it. The world is a beautiful place, but some people don’t see the beauty, all they see is fear. They obsess about how they have been wronged or how someone else has been wronged, and how nobody is getting what they deserve. This type of thinking puts you into a spiral instead of forward motion.
3. They don’t procrastinate – when something needs to be dealt with they handle it swiftly. They don’t let it hang over their head, or sit on their shoulder and weigh them down. They clear any clouds of doom and dread as quickly as they can so they can get back to doing work that matters.
4. They practice humility – they never assume they know it all on their journey towards their goals and they are always seeking to improve. When faced with a new challenge or a new experience they listen and ask lots of questions. They understand they are but a drop in the ocean of life (and always celebrate their wins no matter how small).
5. They are generous – so very generous. They love freely and give from their heart. They give their time and attention to others who ask for it, they share their wisdom, they answer questions, and they give helpful and constructive feedback to encourage others to improve. They use their money to make the world a better place.
6. They don’t over extend themselves – they know their limits and they don’t put themselves or the people they love in jeopardy. They don’t risk what they don’t have, and they always have the time for the people most important to them.
7. They follow rule #6 – The rule that says don’t take yourself so seriously. They know it’s not worth getting upset over, it’s not worth calling names or getting in a flap over. There are no other rules… just that one, and it saves the day over and over again.
This framework has become part of who they are. Not something they do every once in a while. Their thoughts, beliefs and actions line up with each point in every choice they make.
They don’t sacrifice on any of them because when they do they know their odds of hitting the ditch again are that much higher.
If you want to attract someone into your life who is winning at life, these are good milestones to follow.
If you’ve been in the ditch and want to find your way out, these are a great place to start.
If you’re stuck, check to see which one of these 7 items you might be overlooking.
If you’re winning at life now…congratulations! I hope to see you there soon 🙂
Ps. I’m building a course to help big hearted people live a whole hearted life. If you would like more details as they become available, please sign up for my private email list below.