A Good Reason To Interrupt

by jodi // May 16

I’ve been told in the past that I receive compliments well.

I don’t actually know what this means.

I typically ask what someone means when they mention it.

I don’t actually think it’s much of a skill, I have always assumed other people must reject a compliment when they receive it… I just didn’t reject it because I didn’t want to hurt the “complimentors feelings”.

A compliment is someone else’s opinion, and other people’s opinions matter.

If my ego wasn’t such a trouble maker I would get a kick out of it, it doesn’t take much before my ego takes off on a trip of its own.

Yesterday someone stopped me mid sentence and told me I was “kick ass awesome”. I don’t care who you are it feels good to hear that, even though I literally have no idea why she said it at the time, my heart swelled.

If you want to make someone’s day today, interrupt them and tell them they are kick ass awesome.

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