A little bit less selfish than before

by jodi // July 5

I remember the day I started to see things differently.

The change was gradual. I hadn’t noticed it in myself until then.

That’s the day it became obvious that I had finally grown up and got over myself.

I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t just automatically do this before. I’m also embarrassed I didn’t figure this out 20 years ago.

We all learn at our own pace, but this one was life changing and I wish I had learned it sooner.

I was at the carousel in the airport after a sleepless trip to Las Vegas.

I don’t fly well, I was tired, and I was ready to get home.

I gathered up my bags and walked the long way around the carousel to avoid the crowd.

I spotted a bag that was upside down and stuck in one place. I stopped and straightened the bag so that whomever was waiting for it could find it.

In the past I would have walked past that bag and not thought anything of it, but that day I only thought about the person who would be waiting for it at the other end.

It was the evidence of a change that now shows up in my personal life and my business life.

I started to care deeply about others and doing my part to make the world better.

Every small gesture began to matter and still matters.

Compassion is deep and wide and it extends to every living thing from a worm to a human.

Everyone needs a hand. Everyone is worthy of appreciation.

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