I’m a person who trusts the Universe and the larger plan. I believe that things will always work out for the best as long as we keep trying and that force is larger than me. I am constantly surrendering to it.

I trust Mother Nature and I believe in the miracles she can create, I see them all of the time. We support her mission by doing our part to stay healthy, make progress, and seek okay-ness, and she supports us back. I see this over and over.  I trust the Universe and I trust Mother Nature.

Trust has become the foundation for which I have built my life.  

I trust in the greater good.

I trust that things happen for a reason.

I trust that things will work out in the end.

I trust that we will be ok.​​​​​​

I trust that things are happening for me.​​

This is my foundation to everything, and it is how I feel safe.  I believe there is something larger at play that I cannot see, and that it will help me.

Over the last couple of weeks the message we have been receiving is one of survival.  And we have been watching as others have acted strongly to this message.  People have raided grocery stores, barked at us to wash our hands, and shamed us for leaving our homes.  We are being told to self preserve at every junction.

Self preservation is not trust.  It is ego based, it is about being separate from each other, and it is trying to take control of a situation that is big… and it makes you feel powerless.​​

I prefer empowered over powerless.

We are not powerless right now.  We are never powerless. And feeling powerless only exacerbates the stress.​​​​

A higher vibrational approach to this is to consider these messages as information about how to practice self care right now.

All of the guidelines we have been given are the basics to help your body thrive.

Self care is never a bad idea.  

​​The more, the better. Its nourishment and nuturing.

And that is how it turns into self love.

Self love is the best.

What does that look like right now?

Well, its advanced self care.

It is doing things to support your health and well being. Our bodies are incredible self healing and miracle making machines. The more we can do to help, the better they can do their job.

Here are a few examples:

  • Movement helps your lymphatic system drain toxins,
  • Drinking water helps to flush any germs out of your mucous membranes and into your gut (where it can’t take hold as easy),
  • Vitamin C supports your immune system,
  • Good sleep is restorative,
  • Good nutrition supports all of your cells and mitochondria,
  • Meditation helps your mindset and stress level,
  • Fresh air and nature recalibrates your nervous system

These are the ones I do and they make a difference. I notice a difference in myself if I’m missing any.

The more you can incorporate, the better.

When it comes to self care and self love… go big or go home.

​​Not just now, but all of the time.

And the more fulfilled and loved you feel… the more bandwidth you will have to care about others.

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