Vows, beliefs, and promises are all made up of words that have a strong energetic bond and create chords between you and another person, or situation.
They are hard to undo.
You may hear them, say them, think them, or write them, but they are never to be taken lightly.
They matter and your life will begin to form around them – sometimes in a good way, and sometimes in a an unhealthy way.
They can trap you into a place that doesn’t serve you and leave you feeling stuck.
But they can also give you the strength you need to move forward creating a new life if you use them properly.
Sorting out your priorities and then making a promise to fulfill them in alignment with your values will give you a solid foundation for change.
Make sure you include vow to yourself about not breaking your promises, not betraying yourself, and not letting anything or anyone derail you.
This is your life, it is your responsibility to live it to the fullest. Nobody can or will do it for you.