Are You Going Uphill or Downhill?

I have always felt like hard times cause huge growth.

And while that’s true, I’m  slowly learning it doesn’t have to be the only way.

This belief has trapped me into some toxic or dysfunctional situations where I have remained for far too long.

Knowing it wasn’t healthy for me, that it was causing undue stress, that it was continually shifting my energy into a negative space, I would stick it out.

I would know (but not want to admit) that it was consuming too much of my time and energy and holding me back instead of pushing me forward, and yet I would continue to battle it out.

In theory it seemed like staying in a challenging or seemingly impossible situation would teach me skills that I wouldn’t have learned otherwise, and I’m sure there is an element of that.

I could heal areas that triggered me in those situations in order to become less reactive and more compassionate, I could empathize with others who were struggling, and I would learn how to think independently, and what my values are.

So I wouldn’t walk away always hoping that my tenacity would eventually pay off and the situation would resolve itself, and in the end I would be better off for it.

As I sit here and reflect, I can’t think of one time that this worked out because here’s the thing… fixing weakness’s as a primary life strategy is no strategy at all.

Big wins in life come from building on strengths and gifts.

Life is hard enough without burying yourself under a mess of dysfunction that weighs you down and stalls forward motion.

There are so many choices in life, so many avenues you can take, where love flows and support grows.

Allow your “weaknesses” to be…know them, understand them, and accept them.  They are not limitations, they are a part of who you are.

We try so hard to be something we aren’t meant to be and fit in situations that aren’t right for us resisting the fact that it might just not be right. 

We resist our weakness, try to push through them, and trying to change ourselves in order to make it work all the while it’s consuming us and halting us from becoming more of who we already are and who we are meant to become.

Tim Ferriss said “don’t push a boulder uphill just because you can”.

Seek out the spaces where you can make a difference, where your gifts are appreciated and growing, where the only challenge is how to reach more people…and walk away from anyone or anything that doesn’t foster that within you.

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