But have you made progress?

by jodi // May 15

Progress makes us happy.

That means that celebrating our small wins, better choices, and new understandings is important.

When we aren’t happy it’s so much easier to stay the course.

The journey is always one step forward and two steps back. But this doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress. In fact it’s quite the opposite.

You can’t control the results, or the way things happen. Sometimes things go exactly opposite of what you had expected.

If you watch closely for the ways you handle the “2 steps back”, you can determine if you are making progress. The 2 steps back is where you see your progress most clearly because you’ve been there before.

Notice what’s different this time.

Did you make a better choice this time? Did you react differently? Were you able to turn things around quicker? Were you able to keep your heart open? Did you use better words?

These are the only parts that truly matter.

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