Can you ask for anything more?

The mirror that other people hold up for us is interesting. I notice myself judging others or admiring others until I remember the mirror.

All of the judgements fade away when I simply remember that we are all doing the best we can.

Those who are on a stage, those who are taking risks, those who are hiding, those who are selfish, and those who are showing up but are still amateurs are all doing the best they can.

Sometimes people don’t have the emotional fortitude to handle the hard parts of life, sometimes they have never learned how to step into their power, others have no idea what love is or how it works… but they are doing the best they can with their journey.

And so are we.

Forgiveness and extending grace is a whole lot easier when we realize we are in this together, and we are all just doing the best that we can and letting go of how we think things should be.

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