Change doesn’t happen overnight

Making change is possible, but it happens gradually.

You will find that your old programming and beliefs will be your biggest obstacle.

Responding in the same old way to familiar situations will give you the same results you’ve always had, but trying to move past that old conditioning is hard, and sometimes feels impossible because you haven’t yet realized how you need to get out of your own way.

When you try to make change happen too quickly it’s not sustainable because you miss details along the way that will derail you later. Things like ownership and buy in. The people involved in the change need to get what they want too. The new way might be better, but if it’s not better for everyone, things will fall apart.

Everything needs to keep changing in order to grow, but they might need to be different than you imagined them to be. Impatience, lashing out, shutting down, or taking control over the situation will stifle change.

Allow it to unfold the way it needs to.

Wait to see what happens, and remember…the greater good for everyone is always worth seeking out.

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