When you write something you have to think it all the way through or it won’t make sense.
Thoughts can no longer remain fleeting… They are now somewhere concrete, for as long as their medium exists… And that holds you a level of truth telling and clarity of beliefs, you aren’t otherwise accountable for.
Writing is a great exercise for putting you in the moment…you can’t write something while worrying about the past or the future. It needs to come from this moment, from the now.
When I began writing daily I didn’t understand how it would change me. I just wanted a place to express myself. A place to say “I made this, and it’s a piece of me”, somewhere my kids could eventually go to understand their mom a little better if they wanted to.
Then I started noticing I had more conviction in my day to day life. I could more easily sort out what was ok and not ok in certain situations. It has brought me so much more clarity about who I am and what’s important to me.
If you have ever had the inclination to document your thoughts, I highly encourage you to do so. Do it by video, do it by pen to paper or blogging. Just find a way and make the time to do it.
You won’t ever regret it.