I was lucky to grow up on the back of a horse.
Because animals communicate through energy, I had developed a second language that I didn’t even realize.
I remember the first time someone started talking about energy with the horses, and finally put into words how it felt to me to ride.
Tapping into my intuition was easy for me once I knew that what it was.
Intuition is listening to how something outside of you makes you feel inside.
Move toward the things that feel good to you. Move away from things that feel bad.
This part was easy for me. Staying conscious enough to do it was another story. Sometimes I get so caught up in the facts, I forget to stop and feel.
I have noticed the more I feel, the better I do and as long as what I’m doing feels right to me on a deep level… the more right my life becomes.
There’s no such thing as a perfect life… but we might as well feel as good as we can while we are living it.