Stress is bad for you.
They say it all of the time, but for some reason we don’t take them seriously.
I see people living highly stressful lives, and making justifications for it all of the time.
I’ve done it too.
I lived in high stress for years.
I had acne all over my back, my hair was unhealthy, and the whites of my eyes were yellow.
I had all sorts of stomach and digestion issues and my neck and shoulders were constantly tight and super painful.
My body was trying desperately to send the message to me that something needed to change, and that added to the stress.
Pretty soon the stress was dictating what I could and couldn’t wear because the acne was embarrassing.
My hair wouldn’t curl and wasn’t shiny so I would use more and more products trying to get it to cooperate.
I knew what some of the problems were, but it took me a long time to figure out the crux.
I wasn’t in control of my own life.
I wasn’t living true to who I was.
I was accommodating everyone else’s choices and lifestyles, no matter how far they were from my own… and when they weren’t compatible (which they often weren’t) I became a doormat.
The result was living a highly stressful life that wasn’t going anywhere, let alone the direction I wanted to go.
I see so many people I love doing the same thing.
I have dear friends who are keeping toxic friendships, working at dead end jobs, or desperately trying to hold on to relationships that have long since reached their expiry date.
There are some types of stress you have to keep moving through until it clears. Journaling, yoga, sleep, meditation and eating well helps to relieve the toll it’s taking on you… these were lifesavers for me and ultimately how I ended up writing this blog.
But the never ending stress that comes from trying to live in a lifestyle you don’t belong, trying to keep someone happy who isn’t happy, or trying to make a project work that isn’t working and you don’t love is soul sucking stress that breaks you down and makes you sick.
If you’re living it, you know how awful it is.
You feel like you’re in survival mode, you feel sick to your stomach most of the time, you can’t relax, and you always feel on edge or at the end of your rope.
This is deadly stress that will build up terrible toxic thoughts and emotions in you that bring physical illness and ailments.
These things need to be culled before they ruin your life and the one chance you have to live it to the fullest.
It’s just like dead heading a plant, if you leave the dead parts trying to breathe life back into them, pretty soon most of the plant looks dead.
But once the dead parts and stress start to fall away, the plant becomes healthy and vibrant.
And so will you once you begin to live true to who you are and what your heart wants… life comes back, skin clears, eyes glow and hair shines.
And the people, places and things that you love will get the best of you.
It’s difficult to follow your dreams, but it’s a tragedy not to do so” – Unknown
PS. I am building a course for big hearted people who want to live more whole heartedly… if you would like to me to drop you a line as more information becomes available, sign up for my private email list below.