It’s risky to have a dream. And it feels very vulnerable to chase one because what if it doesn’t work out?
I have a pretty neat job where I get to watch people take the first step toward their dream.
Generally you can learn a lot about people by watching their relationship with money, and when money and dreams collide, there is a moment where you get a glimpse inside.
This week I’ve watched two customers push themselves outside of their comfort zone and take the first step towards a dream.
But they almost always hesitate before making the final decision.
I am genuinely curious to see what’s holding them back so I’ve started to ask them why they are hesitating
Interestingly, it doesn’t seem to matter what the reason is that they give me, just speaking it out loud helps them release the objection so they can move forward.
It’s a magical moment when their dream takes priority over their insecurity about their due diligence, or spending the money.
My favourite part is always the people and watching them overcome themselves.