Wow, its been a long time since I’ve done one of these. I love when others share the most impactful things they have come across. Its a big world out there with an abundance of choices and its hard to find the great stuff, so sharing what we are enjoying is really important in helping each other. Here is my list, but I would love to know what you are up to lately also.
What I’m Listening To: The Road Less Stupid: Advice from the Chairman of the Board, by Keith Cunningham. I bought the audio book but then also quickly bought the kindle book. I couldn’t absorb the infinite amount of great stuff this book has in it driving down the road and I wanted to have notes. It’s a business book and worth your time if you’re into anything business. He has amazing questions at the end of every chapter that really get your brain going.
What I’m Reading: Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It, by Chris Voss. Chris Voss was the FBI’s lead international kidnapping negotiator. I was surprised by the amount of tactics and relationship skills that he teaches. It turns out that in order to negotiate well you need hard core listening and empathy skills, which this book teaches among countless other relationship building nuggets of wisdom. If you want to test drive his knowledge, watch his interview at google here
Cool Compilation Worth Sharing: The 50 best Podcasts of 2018. This was shared on Tim Ferriss 5 Bullet Friday newsletter and I just found it. If you haven’t dug into any podcasts yet this list is worth checking out. It would be hard to find such a variety of great work on your own.
What I’m Grateful For: Learning Compassion. Incorporating compassion into my life has been life changing. I wish I had all of the words to describe the domino effect compassion holds. It has changed the way I see other people, the way other people respond to me, and the way I see myself. In essence it has changed everything. Listening to and reading Pema Chodron, the Canadian Buddhist monk is where I started becoming more aware of cultivating compassion in my life.
Quote I’m Pondering: “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” ― Albert Einstein