I believe each of our major organs have their own intelligence. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be able to do their jobs. The heart is the major one, it is the first sign of life in a fetus, and also the last sign of life…when it stops everything else stops.
The heart math institute researches among many other things, the intelligence of your heart and the coherence between heart and mind to create harmony in our lives. They say the greatest coherence comes from being in a state of compassion and gratitude.
It is important to stay in touch with your heart. It is your home. It is where your intuition, passion and compassion lie.
“Follow your heart” isn’t just a whimsical saying, but instead legitimate and very wise advice.
I’ve made the mistake of listening to my heart, but not following it before. When I continue to do something I don’t want to disregarding what my heart feels, I get physical pain in my heart.
I’ve made the mistake many times of not speaking from my heart. When I do that I come across as detached and uncaring to the people I truly love.
I’ve made the mistake of fighting my heart with my mind, because I think I know better. This causes all sorts of tension in my neck and shoulders.
I’ve also experienced the peace and bliss that comes from listening to and following my heart.
Your heart has a different language. I’m still learning mine. But the more I live in my heart, the more fulfillment I get from life.
It is in our hearts where we find our purpose.
Have you listened to your heart lately?