Our ego wants the big wins, the big payoffs and to be seen for how special we really are. It wants everything to seem really hard to others and then it wants to receive the accolades for our triumph. It’s never satisfied and it keeps us in a cycle of never being good enough.

Humility is moving in baby steps appreciating nuance, the basics, small wins, progress. It works step by step to bridge the chasm from where we are to where we want to be, there are no giant leaps, there is no applause or swearing in ceremony. It is realizing we are not different or special and we are not more or less than another, we are the same. It connects us because it’s realizing we are only human, vulnerable, and imperfect. Humility is being focussed on doing what we are capable of and always working to become better.

Watching someone move out of ego to humility is one of my most favourite things.

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