If you are hanging on to your beliefs right now then odds are you are either feeling a lot of fear and some hopelessness, or you are angry and controlling things that aren’t yours to control.

It’s not a cake walk out there. Everything that needs to be examined is magnified and in your face, whether it’s your issues and mountain, or someone else’s, or a combination… all of it is affecting all of us.

Pointing your finger and blaming others, lashing out, and turtling, are all survival mechanisms. But they aren’t helping anything. In fact they are likely to be making things worse.

Your beliefs are trapping you into staying the person you’ve always been while the environment you’re living in is very different.

It’s not easy to spot your beliefs. They lie within the stories you’re telling, the meaning you are giving to what’s happening that’s upsetting you, and the words coming out of your mouth.

There will be some beliefs that are serving you and you want to keep, and there are others that will be causing you to judge and blame others and make you frustrated.

If you start observing yourself and your actions you can start to uncover the beliefs that aren’t serving you, and when you bring them into the light, you can adjust them.

You won’t want to change, but in times like these you have an excellent opportunity to become better. We are seeing the worst in most people right now. I encourage you to use this as a season of growth rather than a season of tyranny.


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