My life is a story.
What I say, who I engage and connect with, and how I treat others all tell the story of who I am.
I used to hide…even on social media.
Primarily my ego was to blame, always thinking people actually cared what I was doing.
I was spying on others and what they were doing.
I didn’t want people to see what I liked, or who I followed.
I quietly read something and then took it away for myself, only sharing secretly on the sidelines.
I didn’t want to be judged, ridiculed, or copied.
I wanted to be the smart one who knew it all without necessarily disclosing my resources.
I would almost brag about how I didn’t really share anything on Facebook, like it was a badge of honour.
I rarely commented.
Some people are everywhere with their noses in everything and I certainly didn’t want to be seeen that way.
But as I started to open up and be brave in life, I also began show up on social media.
I started speaking up and commenting on what other people were doing, it helps them spread their story when I engage with them.
I started liking and openly sharing and supporting other people and what they are doing.
We don’t have to do all of this alone, connecting with others makes a huge difference.
Technology and social media are here to stay, I want to use it as a tool to open up, share and connect.
See you there!