How Do You Wish To Be Treated

by jodi // July 10

We are responsible for teaching other people how we want to be treated. Sometimes what we are teaching requires deep change in the other person.

If you value your relationship with someone, but know it could be better, you can seek to make a change. The bigger the change the more time it will take.

Change happens one layer, one belief, one habit, and one pattern at a time because this is how humans process and it’s critical to understand this when you are the person doing the teaching.

It takes quiet persistence, a bit of patience, a vision to head towards, and a mindset of focusing on progress, not perfection.

Just because someone gets what you are teaching in one scenario doesn’t always mean they will be perfect.

If you keep chipping away, carving your life masterpiece by accepting, appreciating, and rewarding the progress… and redirecting, putting up boundaries and steering away from the return to old patterns you can make the change you seek.

Over time your relationships and your life start to look a little healthier and more like what you envisioned.

The work starts with you and creating the vision of what you believe is better.

I strive to have all relationships based in love.

In order to receive love, you have to first give it away. This keeps me working tirelessly to find ways to make change happen from a loving space.

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