There are two kinds of resistance.

The first kind is the resistance you feel when you don’t want to do something. Past experience might tell you it’s not a good idea, you might not see a payoff, or it might just not be important to you right now.

Either way you are resisting doing the thing.

This kind of resistance could be your intuition talking to you.

The second kind of resistance is the resistance you feel when you’re doing something you want to do, but it’s outside of your comfort zone.

This resistance is the kind that closes doors, blocks opportunity, diminishes possibility and keeps you stuck and playing small.

This resistance is coming from your amygdala in your brain. It’s your fear center that alerts you to the fact there may be a Sabre tooth tiger around the corner. Except there aren’t any Sabre tooth tigers anymore, so backing off because of it doesn’t usually serve you.

What you need to know is that it’s normal to feel it. Everyone does. You will create narratives around it, you will try to weasel out of doing the thing, you will try to find someone to do it for you, and you will procrastinate.

You want it, but you struggle to get past yourself.

It takes effort to move forward when you’re facing this kind of resistance.

What I’ve been doing to get around it is taking 5 seconds of courage to start the ball rolling. Which usually means sending a text that will spark a conversation.

I don’t make myself make the bold move first, but I always take a step that won’t easily give me the choice to back out.

Resistance that you don’t overcome will ruin your life. You can’t afford to let it get the best of you. Always be working to overcome it.

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