I can’t create the life I want if I’m living in survival mode. I know this because I spent the majority of my adult life in survival mode. Putting out one fire and then moving to the next. I was in reaction mode all of the time, and never able to create.
Creation happens when your needs are met and you feel safe. Emotionally safe, physically safe, financially safe, and mentally safe.
You can not create the life you want while walking on eggshells. Survival always takes over because it has to, it always takes over because its instinctual.
But you don’t have to let it, there are skills in each area you can learn to stay in a safe and creative space.
I’ve had to learn the ins and outs of each one in order to get to where I am today. They are my life skills and the foundation from which I maintain a high vibration. I have learned that I can’t afford to fall into survival mode because it derails my life.
I am working on a method that I can share with you so you can begin to free yourself and create the life you want. I expect to roll it out early in the new year.
I will have questions as we go and I will need your help. Make sure it sign up to my email list below, you won’t want to miss this.