When you start really paying attention to the thoughts and story in your head, you will probably be surprised at what is actually going on in there.
There is an incredible amount of negative self talk, criticism, and general disempowering chatter going on.
You likely don’t realize it because your thoughts are so automatic.
I’ve been journaling more in the last several weeks to uncover the blocks and beliefs that I am not aware of.
Thought work is something I have done a LOT of over the years, and it appears I have a lot more to do.
If you focus on levelling up in one specific area, it becomes apparent just how automatic your thoughts are.
Write down what you are thinking about a particular subject or area of life you want to improve and track your thoughts for several days in a row.
This brings a new awareness to you thought patterns that you aren’t tapping into.
Once you have awareness, then you can clean it up and level up.
After all everything in your life begins with a thought.