Short term thinking is easier than playing the long game.

Short term thinking is reactive and responsive to what is happening right now.

But it’s hardly ever the best solution.

When you understand that what is happening right now might be an uncoupling, or a misunderstanding, or a necessary evil for the grand scheme… its easier to accept.

You can’t play the long game without a master plan. And once you have a master plan, you will begin to get a feel for what needs to handled in the now, and what you need to ride through like a slurpee headache.

The long game is where the magic happens. You don’t give up on the long game, you just keep trying new angles, new tactics, and allow things to unfold.

I wish someone had explained all of this to me in twenties when I thought I knew it all. Because I didn’t realize how the long game worked.

Fear takes a back seat in the long game, and faith and trust and grit and tenacity take over. That’s a good thing. You never want fear in the drivers seat.

The long game isn’t easy… it requires a lot of work on the inside – but it is far and away the most rewarding.

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