You have the choice about how you see the world.

The story in your head is your story and you can change it if you want to.

There is balance, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

For everything horrible that happens there is always something good to be found. You can always find a silver lining.

And for everything good that happens there is always a spoiler.

Whichever side you see depends on what you’re looking for and the story you’re telling.

When you look for the silver linings and the good bits your energy expands snd you attract more of it towards you.

When you focus on the parts you aren’t comfortable with or that are challenging you, you draw more of that energy towards you.

The trick to this is not faking it. It doesn’t help to pretend all is good when it’s not. Sometimes you have to work to find the good. It’s always there, but you need to genuinely see it.

Just for today keep your eyes on the silver linings and the good bits. Be grateful foe them and lean right into them.

It’s worth it.

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