I read, listen, watch and take in so much. I’m pretty sure I have forgotten way more than I could ever possibly know.

Every once in a while something really grabs me, changes me, and stays with me.

This video from Goalcast of Oprah talking about legacy was one of those moments. (Click here to watch).

In the video she talks about the school she built in Africa and how Oprah had told Maya Angelou she felt it would be her greatest legacy because Oprah was so proud of it.

Maya told her you do not know what your legacy will be, your legacy is every life you’ve touched.  

This is so profound and this stuck with me.

Oprah is one of my hero’s. I grew up watching her and learning from her.  I am 1 of millions of women who feel like Oprah had a hand in my upbringing.

The school she built has had zero influence in my life.

I know she built it, I’ve seen the girls who attended it graduate and go to colleges in the U.S., and that’s it.  Her school is not the reason she is my hero.

She is my hero because she overcame tremendous odds to become Oprah Winfrey.  She talked to people that society had written off and honoured their story.  She taught us about God whispers and aha moments.  She talked to all of the most influential people in the world.  She got so excited and jumped for joy when she gave gifts and trips and cars away.  She shared her favourite things, her struggles with her weight loss, her dogs, and her vulnerabilities and human side with us. 

And she showed up for 25 years, every day at the same time and place to help us find a way to live our best lives.  

What Maya Angelou said was true.  

Oprah doesn’t know what her legacy is to me… or the millions of other women who will see her through their own lens.  

What we are proud of doing in our lives is not where our legacy comes from.  

Our legacy comes from the moments where we have touched someone else’s life.  

Our legacy comes when we make a difference to someone and have an impact in their life somehow.  

We almost never know how, or if, we have impacted someone else.  

This year I have had many people from my past resurface and reconnect with me. 

Everyone has shared stories with me, about me or about our relationship that I didn’t remember.  

I have shared stories back that they didn’t remember.   

Some of these people are from so long ago, we can’t remember the details or the words, but we very strongly remember the feelings.  

We never forget how someone made us feel. 

The only way to build a legacy is to keep showing up for life.

Do what makes you proud, but also teach what you’ve learned, share what you know, help where you can and spread love.

Make every connection matter, ask hard questions, support your friends, give back, share your heart, and help other people in their quest to live their best life.  
Plan to leave footprints in the hearts of others. 

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

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