Our life is always speaking to us. It’s showing you with your relationships, your results, and your experiences who you are. If you take the time to listen to what your life is trying to teach you, you can transform your wounds into wisdom.

Every single thing is symbolic or represents an area of your life and when something starts showing up continuously or with importance it’s worth paying attention to.

If a deer jumps out in front of you, if you hit a major obstacle in your journey, if you feel drawn towards a certain person or place, if a song keeps repeating in your mind, or if you begin to see a pattern of results evolving, pay attention. Begin asking questions about what it could mean.

You might have a false attachment to what’s not yours.

You might be grappling with a decision and you are receiving guidance.

You might be carrying the same energy or underlying belief into different situations and it’s sabotaging your growth.

Begin to watch for and understand every consequence and ripple effect of the choices you’re making. Everything matters. In this sense, everything is about you.

Your life is a message, the sooner you learn to decipher it, the faster you will get where you want to go.

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