Living With an Open Heart

When I stand back as the observer, I find the ebb and flow of life to be fascinating.

Each time you move into a new phase of life, you leave the old one behind… and yet the past comes back to visit you through the people and places that were a part of those times.

I really enjoy these spontaneous reconnections because they bring a piece of my heart back to me that I hadn’t realized was left behind.

You just can’t take every friend from school, every boyfriend/girlfriend you’ve had, every place that was special with you. But the ones that you really connected with, or made memories with… don’t ever actually go away.

I’ve learned that you never stop loving the people and places you once loved. No matter how badly things ended, how much you want to, or how hard you try…. once you’ve let it into your heart, it stays forever.

If your heart is closed, and you aren’t listening to it you may not realize all of the treasures you have stored in there. I am always surprised when the past comes back to visit and my heart remembers the special times.

It is wonderful when your heart is open and you allow yourself to feel the feels from before…. but sometimes it’s very confusing.

I often wonder what it’s like for people who never manage to open their heart again once they’ve been hurt.

Do they hold the pain and suffering in there forever? Do they even realize it’s there? Probably not, but man are they missing out.

Once you realize that no matter what happens you’re going to love someone forever, you let go of the judgments, opinions, and control… and that makes the world a much sweeter place to be in.

I have literally succumbed to the power of love. It is greater than me and it holds on forever. If I try to tell myself anything else, I am only lying to myself.

A coworker asked me how my son was doing this week – and I looked at her and said, “I am truly the wrong person to ask. I think he’s doing really great.. but even if he was in jail right now [he isn’t in jail, he’s actually doing really great] I know without a doubt I would tell you how proud I was of him and how great he was doing in jail. It just doesn’t matter I think my kids are amazing.”

And that is totally true.

That’s how I want to live my life because honestly, what good does it do to live it any other way?

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