Looking for results isn’t helping you

It’s important to note our progress. To look back at where you were and notice how far you’ve come. We love progress, it’s a major contributor to our happiness.

But getting caught up in the results you’re getting is a recipe for disaster and it details you when they show up, and it derails you when they don’t.

If you’re not getting the results you think you should, it’s disappointing and makes you want to throw in the towel.

If you do get the results that you wanted then you stop your progress because you decide you’re “there”.

Either way you need to start again, and starting the wheel turning is a lot harder than keeping it turning.

The always be testing theory is a great theory. You can test to see if what you are doing is working and you can watch for positive signs, but you won’t derail and you protect your “work” from fluctuations dependent on the results.

The sooner we realize we will never get “there” the better choices we can make.

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