I have been a real learning curve lately and it feels so good to see how far I’ve come.
And the best part is, the more you learn… the easier it gets to learn.
I see so many people shut off learning after they finish school and I believe its because school crams us full of information we don’t want, aren’t interested in, and think we will never need in our lives because its not relevant.
But when you find the little things that spark you, and when you feel like you are accomplishing something, and when you feel there is a purpose behind what you are learning… when you are ENROLLED in the journey, as Seth Godin would say – then learning is fun, and easy, and at times thrilling.
Progress brings us happiness, and learning is a sure fire way to bring progress.
“The genuine love for reading itself, when cultivated, is a superpower. The means of learning are abundant. It’s the desire to learn that is scarce.” – Naval Ravikant