Real love flows freely.

It isn’t boxed, finite or compartmentalized.

It is all encompassing and all inclusive.  

Have you felt this kind of love?

Real love happens when your heart is soaring and you love everybody without limits.

The beauty of this love is that you are included in it.

What happens when you are truly loving yourself?

You want to love everyone around you because it feels amazing to love others because self love flows freely.

Indulge in loving yourself until your love bucket overfills and then spread that love to everyone around you.

This is how your light shines.

This is how you can light up the world.

You will never be the best version of yourself if your cup isn’t full. 

Self love is not selfish, love that extends only to yourself isn’t real.

Self love is pure and without limits, by loving yourself, you are loving everyone.

Don’t let anyone tell you any different, they don’t know better, those guys just haven’t experienced real love yet. 

They will see it, and then feel it, and then honour it, once they believe it.

But now you know the secret.

So go ahead and love yourself irrationally. 

We will all be better off for it. 

“It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.” ~ Marianne Williamson

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