I made a bit of history for myself the other day by doing something I have never done before.

I facilitated a magic class.

Sounds fun right?

I called it a Self Awareness class because that’s what we were going to talk about, but that doesn’t even begin to cover all of what happens when you bring a powerhouse group of people together.

It was something I have been wanting to do for a while but couldn’t see my way through it. I am learning that before I can follow my heart, I have to spend a lot of time getting out of my own way. Almost all of 2017 was spent trying to do that.

I had no idea how many beliefs and obstacles I had to unwind, undo, and jump over before I could move forward. I struggled with a topic, I struggled with a location, I struggled with content, and I battled with my own self worth and ego and all of the resistance inside of me that was strong enough to bring me to tears several times.

It’s way harder to do something you care about than something you don’t because of all of the what-ifs.

I waited for someone to tell me what to do… but when they tried to give me suggestions my resistance was so strong I kept telling them why it wouldn’t work.

But guess what? When I got through all of that…it worked.

And it worked better than I could have ever imagined it would. You can’t begin to predict all of the moments, the stories, the connections, and the magic that happens when you bring people together.

In the end, all of my fears were unfounded and all of the resistance was unnecessary.

It wasn’t about me at all… it’s really never about us is it?

I was simply the facilitator.

Self awareness was the subject.

But the evening itself was a conduit to a magical world where energy flows, hearts open, and we all learn a little bit more about who we are, why we are here, and where we might be going next.

I am going to do this same class again on Monday, February 5. It’s better if you sign up early. I send emails with challenges leading up to our 2 hours together. The challenges give us a common thread and bring our energy together before we meet, it’s part of the magic.

I hope you’ll join us as we make history again. You can sign up using this link.

I hope you find a way to move forward in your life. To make a piece of history for yourself. To do something that challenges you to overcome your limiting beliefs, jump your hurdles, remove your obstacles, erase your what-ifs and find out that in the end it was never about you.

Because that is what the journey is all about.

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