In A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle tells a story about someone on the train talking out loud to themselves and how everyone thought they were crazy.
I’ve thought the same, I will put my head down and walk a little faster if I am coming up on someone on the sidewalk having a conversation with themselves.
I can be so scared of people, sometimes they really freak me out.
Later, in a moment of clarity Eckhart realized that we are all incessantly talking to ourselves…only the majority of us don’t say it out loud, we keep it in our heads.
There is always an element of sameness and connectedness between us.
I’m the same person in my head, that freaks me out on the street and I can be very believable.
The inner ranting and the stories I quietly tell myself can really spiral me down into some ugly places… the places that justify my anger or outrage, put me into victim mode, sabotage my relationships, hurt the people I love and keep me from moving forward on my own path.
It’s these stories that cause the most problems in my life, because it’s my stories that are turning ‘what already is’ into a problem and keeping me from acceptance…the place where all healing begins and ends.
As I’m learning to recognize the signs of when this story telling mechanism in my head turns on, I can see it is always coming from a focus on myself, me and I. Almost every thought has a “how can you do this to me” feel to it.
I first really started to notice this in December and wrote a blog post about it. As I have paid more attention, I have been able to start to let go of my inner lunatic and not believe everything I tell myself.
This is life changing.
The moment I take the focus of my thoughts off of me, myself or I… and let the past be in the past… I can get on with living my best life.
Isn’t that we are all here to do anyway?