I have spent my fair share of time with toxic people.
By toxic, I mean people that don’t grasp the concept of being nice to other humans, in a myriad of ways. They gossip, they control, they bully, they attack, they criticize etc etc. With no regard or respect for the other person.
I have always felt like these kinds of people could, can and do affect my life and will always affect my life and the lives of others around them.
Just recently I’ve started seeing it differently.
Mom always quotes Wayne Dyer, “change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change”. Which is no easy task with our worldview and whatever lens we wear, so I always think it’s a small miracle when we can pull it off.
I believe the universe always has our back (the title of Gabby Bernsteins latest book).
If we work with it by not focusing on ourselves and what we have to lose which spirals us into fear, doubt, worry, blame or other emotions lower on the emotional guidance scale (see the blog I wrote about that), we stay in the flow, focusing on what we have to gain and what the universe has in store for us without self sabotaging.
Therefore, even when it appears like another human has an element of control over your future (boss, landlord, parents etc), they really don’t if we don’t allow it, because our paths are infinitely supported by the universe. And whatever they are up to or scheming about is their circus, their monkeys and their contribution to the universe. It’s really not my business.
This is a really new understanding for me and I can feel that even though I get it, I don’t fully own it yet.
Sometimes these glimpses of faith and understanding we get are hard to hang on to unless we stick with them.
I am going to work hard to really own this new perspective so i will be looking for it and examples of it as I go about my days.
If you have stories to share that support this worldview I would love to hear them.