Speaking up is scary because other people might not like what you have to say.
And if they don’t like what you have to say then it’s possible they will attack you, or shame you, or ostracize you.
None of this is fun or easy, so people don’t speak up.
For a long time I didn’t say anything. I don’t like confrontation, and I am not a person who loves a good debate.
Give me a thoughtful and exploratory conversation and I’m all in.
Give me a heated debate and I’m out.
But I’ve learned that when I have clarity, choose my words carefully, and stay on high ground, it’s worth it to speak up.
We have to choose our battles wisely, but there are some that are worth taking on.
If you believe it strongly enough, then you need to find the best way to say it.
Usually the opposition you come up against is someone who is defending poor choices, or doesn’t have enough context or clarity. You can help them if you don’t back down.