There are lots times I can pretty easily brush off a mistake. I understand very well that we are human and have no way of always knowing what the right thing to do all of the time.
But every once in a while I make a mistake that feels like I drastically changed the path I was on, and puts me on a new path I didn’t necessarily want.
These are choices I don’t easily recognize as a mistake because usually they come from ego or arrogance, which means I really thought I was right in making them, and had it justified in my mind as ok.
I’ve learned ego or arrogant based decisions are never right. They are selfish and don’t account for everyone, and they break trust.
They are hard to recognize because you are so sure you’re right (ego red flag right there).
I would watch as things would unfold over time, but they wouldn’t look quite right or make sense. Relationships that had been strong were deteriorating. People in my life who should be fully trusting me, weren’t.
There are always many different factors at play, and I could and did blame most of them for a long time.
But what I needed to do was own my part in what was happening.
I’ve had to have some very hard and humbling conversations.
Luckily those conversations helped to clear the way and make sense of the situation.
Luckily most people are kind and forgiving.