Fear can be paralyzingly and debilitating and when you are gripped with it, it becomes hard to think (this is because you start operating from the amygdala part of the brain instead of the pre-frontal cortex).

Our story spirals out of control.

There is no way to get rid of the fear when you are doing something you haven’t done before. You just have to learn to keep moving forward in spite of it.

Even when your legs are shaking.

You will find it wasn’t as scary as you think, and the more you do it, the more you learn how to dance with it.

When a horse is scared or overwhelmed, we back off the pressure we are putting on them. We break things down into smaller bite sized steps and we create small wins to build their confidence.

The same is true for humans.

You don’t have to do it all at once.

Break it down, remove the pressure, and take a step forward. Pretty soon you’ll be on the other side. Next time it will be a little bit easier.

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