Seth Godin wrote a blog a few years back about Objections vs Excuses.

I have come across that blog several times since he wrote it and although what he was saying made sense, I didn’t see the difference between an objection and an excuse within myself.

(When I don’t see it in myself, I don’t really get it. But once I see it in myself, I can easily see it in others as well. Self awareness is a big deal in life)

I wasn’t aware of what a big deal a whole hearted yes was. I was slightly skeptical and always holding back just a bit… “just in case”. I was just letting those objections exist and have too big of a say. I strongly resisted being “talked into” something.

In my old life I allowed myself to be talked into things that I didn’t agree with. Instead of using healthy boundaries and the word “no”, I became rigid and skeptical.

Without realizing it, I vowed to myself I wouldn’t be talked into anything anymore. And vows have a strong energy that holds us in place.

This was causing incongruity in my new life and there were times I was stuck just because I was not giving a voice to the objection in the name of self preservation from the conditioning of my past.

Seth says, “[objections] are issues, the missing feature or unwanted element that’s keeping us from saying, ‘yes.'”

In my new life I want to say a great big open hearted yes to opportunities that show up and align with where I’m going.

In order to do that I need to reinvent myself.

Staying stuck in past conditioning does not serve us, but if we aren’t looking for ways to grow, we don’t realize all of the survival mechanisms we have created, and are using in a way to keep ourselves feeling safe.

Those mechanisms usually aren’t as safe as we think. When you aren’t enthusiastically move forward in life with an open heart – you probably have some past conditioning to resolve.

Once you see it, you can release it, and you are one step closer to possibility and your new creation.

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