Einstein has been quoted as saying, “insanity is the definition of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. (I don’t think this is actually his quote, but that is definitely how it is recognized)
We must all be insane.
We keep trying to do the same thing we have always done and hope that things change… or we do the exact opposite of what we have always done and hope for the best. But we are still coming from the same place with the same intention.
Einstein also said you can’t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it.
This is so true! Especially with the hard problems, the ones that have us backed tightly into a corner or seem impossible to solve.
If you aren’t aware of energy, vibration, and don’t have a sense for the levels – this might sound like mumbo jumbo, and you certainly won’t be able to see how to get to a new level, but I can tell you, once you really start to hone in on it – its real.
How do you get to a new level?
If you focus on the problem, you will never find a solution. As soon as you stop thinking about the problem, and start thinking about the solution, you start to shift. But that’s not enough.
You learn.
You seek out new ways of doing things. You ask questions. You look for what the people before you have done. You pay attention to what works.
You stay humble.
Assuming you know stops growth. You probably don’t know and the sooner you admit that to yourself, the sooner you can start searching for whats possible.
Knowledge is the precursor to experience. The only thing you need to know is that there is a problem, and you need to become a different person (in a small or significant way) to solve it.