Put your money where your mouth is

I see so many great people who don’t charge someone else money for their time or services.

That’s ok as long as you are doing the thing because you want to contribute, or give back, or in the spirit of generosity.

But that’s often not the case.

Usually you don’t charge because you don’t value yourself or what you bring to the table.

Our money story is often muddy and mixed up with our self worth, and our conditioning.

Once you believe the world is abundant and there is enough for everyone, then you start to see money differently.

Money is a tool, but it’s also an exchange, and a commitment. And it’s very personal to each of us. There is a reason why the major cause of marriage failure is money.

Because money is often a limiting factor, it’s always at the forefront. We always have to mindful of it. Money represents security, freedom of choice, and priorities.

If you want to know what your priorities are, look at your bank account.

The saying “put your money where your mouth is” is relevant. Because it’s a limiting factor, you won’t be inclined to spend a lot on something you don’t see value in.

Money shows your level of commitment. But it can also raise your level of commitment. If you spend a bunch of money on something you want it to pay off.

So when it comes to charging for your time or services… you need to see the value you bring.

You need to own your greatness.

You need to understand your role and your contribution.

If you don’t value those things, no one else will either.

When you start to put a value on you, then you are forcing the other person to make a decision… do they want your time, expertise, and service? Or would they rather have their money, and less time, expertise, and service.

You have the right to charge. And they have the right to decide not to pay.

But when they do decide to pay… they will be committed to the results you can deliver.

And just because you put a value yourself, your relationships will run a lot smoother.

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