Oprah used to have a segment on her show about 20 years ago or more called Remembering Your Spirit. At the end she would choose people like you and I, or celebrities (which seemed like people who were different than us somehow) to talk about ways in which they remembered their spirit.
She took a a lot of backlash over it and had to stop doing it because people accused her of turning the show into a religious push.
I loved this segment and never forgot about it. People talked about creating art, walking in meadows, reading and writing and playing with their children.
But the part that struck me the most was the fact that people were nurturing their spirit. At that point in my life I didn’t cognitively understand how important it was, but on a subconscious level I got it because I was growing up on horseback. A great way to nurture your spirit.
I have embedded and wrapped spirituality into as many areas of my life as I can.
Spirituality is all about connection.
First and foremost you must be connected to yourself. This is why I love self awareness practices. It is constant exploration of your soul, what feels good to you and what doesn’t. It’s bringing the light into all of the areas that need to be healed. It’s expressing what’s inside of you. It’s noticing the subtitles of the energetic shifts in your body, your intuition, and hearing the voice of your unborn self.
But it goes beyond that, it’s connection to everyone and every thing.
It’s knowing you are never alone. Whether you have spirit guides and angels surrounding you, or God, or Jesus, or a team of people who came before you and have since passed on, it doesn’t matter…what matters is that you feel connected to wisdom, love, and support beyond yourself.
It’s knowing we are cut from the same cloth. Under all of the good choices and bad choices, and under all of the pain and suffering we are all longing to be loved and to feel love, and we are all afraid that it might be cut off.
It’s connection to nature. Its feeling the heartbeat of Mother Earth, it’s seeing the soul of an animal through their eyes, it’s feeling the energy off the mountains and seeing the personality that the plants and trees have.
Every time you disconnect, close your heart, operate from your ego, or consider yourself separate from another you cause suffering to yourself and to others.
Fear comes from feeling alone and unsupported.
Judgement of another or protecting yourself from another cuts off connection and it hurts everyone.
Spirituality is seeing and feeling everything that is beyond what is tangible at first glance. It brings peace, love, and fulfillment, the things we all long for but are constantly sabotaging ourselves in the pursuit of.
The more you can remember your spirit, the less suffering you will feel.