When I was young I was told I was too sensitive. My feelings would get hurt easily.  

When I was little if people laughed at me I would cry, if someone looked at me the wrong way I would cry, I took everything personally.

I carried that around with me for a long time, until I finally did some counselling in my early 20’s.

My councillor changed my label from “too sensitive” to a highly sensitive person.

She gave me books to read and study companions to go with it.

Simply changing the label from being too sensitive, to embracing being sensitive changed my whole perspective.

20 years later I have completely flipped the way I feel about being sensitive, the more sensitive the better.

I have paid attention to other people’s sensitivity, and over the years have come to realize I very much enjoy other people who are also sensitive.

They pick up on subtle cues which is nice because I don’t always have to explain myself to them.

They also don’t like strong fragrances, strong tastes, and they notice when something (food, people, conversation, atmosphere) makes them feel bad, so they respect it when I feel that way.

They are easy to be around because they don’t get in your face and appreciate personal boundaries. 

They notice and are aware of when they have crossed a line, said something that offended you, or pushed a limit too far and they immediately retract and apologize for it.

There is a difference between being sensitive and emotional.

Sometimes it is hard to break the two apart because being sensitive heightens your awareness so much that it would seem like you are on a rollercoaster of emotions to people who aren’t.

We need to honour both our sensitivity and our emotions together and exclusively. 

Sensitivity is being keenly aware of what’s going on around you and outside of you.

Emotions are guidance from your heart, they are your internal compass that keeps you aware of what’s going on inside of you.  

If something makes you feel heavy or sick to your stomach, your emotions are  trying to tell you something is not healthy or right for you.  

If something makes you feel light, alive, and joyful, your emotions are telling you this is a good thing for you.

Being sensitive to what’s happening around you, and how it makes you feel will guide you to a life you love.

So if you’ve ever been told you are too sensitive, you are lucky.  The next time someone says it to you, smile and take it as a compliment.

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