It took me 24 hours to pack for a five day trip.
On the way to the airport mom was asking me checklist questions to see if I had my cash, my passport and my credit cards.
“Yep”, I replied… “I feel really good about what I packed for this trip, I took over 24 hours to do it…which is probably a bad sign”.
10 minutes down the road I realized I had forgot to put on my wool coat that I was planning to wear for the trip.
I had no coat at all.
A couple of minutes later I remembered I had wanted to pack Advil and didn’t.
In the 20 minutes it took to drive to the airport, I was no longer sure if I had packed anything I had wanted to, my confidence was shook.
Upon arrival at my destination, the first order of business was to buy a new coat.
As it turned out, we got caught in sheets of heavy rainfall the next day and the wool jacket would have been a disaster.
The Universe always has our back, we just don’t always recognize it at the time, do we?