Telling Stories For Days

by jodi // April 5

When I first starting writing my blog I wondered if I would be able to come up with something to say everyday.

I’m not going to lie, some days it’s hard. I’ve gone through peaks and valleys in my life it’s been reflected in my blog. But my blog is a reflection of how I’m feeling, not a reflection of what’s happening.

I have recently learned there is always a story to tell, but’s it’s an art to keep them interesting.

It’s taken me quite a while to realize that even though our days might look the same, they are dynamic and ever changing.

It might be because we are learning a new skill, or it might be that you have figured something out you didn’t know before. It could be the way you felt in an interaction with someone, or you heard a story that changed you, but there are never 2 identical days.

Even Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day didn’t have 2 days exactly the same.

Which means there is always a new story to tell and it’s important that we do. Sharing stories is the best way to learn, connect, and how we teach our children.

When you keep your stories inside hiding your true self from the world, feeling insignificant or unimportant, it doesn’t mean there aren’t stories about you. It means everyone else is making them up for you and about you. It steals your power and your ability to mold the story as it carries on, because your story isn’t yours anymore.

Hiding doesn’t work like you think it does. It doesn’t keep you under the radar, but it might make you a target for someone else who’s bad behaviour thrives in secrecy.

You might feel like there are parts of your story you can’t tell, you don’t have to tell those parts, but the more truth telling you do, the more light you bring into the darkness, the more you take control of your life story.

We are never without a story, but what I’m figuring out is that if you don’t share yours, it won’t be yours to tell.

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