The Being Is In The Doing

by Jodi // July 18

You can label yourself as anything, and it’s a good place to start because the label is all about you.

The real test comes when you have to do the thing.

I thought I was an empath until I learned what it meant to practice empathy.

Then I realized all of the things that made me an empath were all about me, I would cry when someone else cried, I would feel what others felt, and I could easily understand another’s position.

But I wasn’t getting to the “me too” part of empathy, the part that’s felt “that way” before also.


The being is in the doing.

It’s great to say you love someone, but if you aren’t loving towards them, does it even matter?

It’s fine to be an empath, but if you aren’t practicing empathy, how does it help?

It’s good to think you are brave, but are you pushing yourself to the edges?

It’s wonderful to be generous, but are you generously giving your attention?

It’s nice to be a gentleman, but are you acting accordingly?

It begins with you, but it’s not enough if it stays with you, it needs to be given away to matter.

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