When life was exceptionally hard, I would lay in bed before falling asleep and go through the hi-lite reel of my day.

Of all of the hours in the day and of all of the things that happen, there were always moments that stood out and created snapshots in my mind. I would run through them in my mind and pick my favourite snapshots…it was my way of filling a gratitude jar.

If someone had shared the moment with me, I would tell them my favourite part and sometimes ask for theirs too. I loved to find out which moments stick out in someone else’s mind because it’s not always the ones you expect, and sometimes there are little nuggets of insight in the hi-lite reel.

I have gotten away from it because that’s how I pick the stories I tell on my blog now. I run through the hi-lite reel of moments and feelings, sometimes from the day before and sometimes from the years past, and I pick the one that is standing out the most and write about it. I make small references that only the “people who were there” would pick up on because that’s fun for me 🙂

Alas, not everyone reads my blog ( -why do they not read my blog again?).

Just the other day I shared a favourite moment with someone who I have a hard time connecting with – and I am quite certain doesn’t read my blog. This person generally keeps a closed and guarded heart, and only on the rare occasion can I catch a glimpse of what’s happening in there.

So I shared my favourite moment that included him. Who can resist being part of someone’s favourite moment? He opened up for a split second and let me in and I felt a small, but very rewarding new connection.

Then I remembered how much I love the hi-lite reel.

It carries its own bit of magic and serves so many purposes.

It helps you to process the photographs in your mind and the moments connected to them. You begin to see patterns of what makes it into your heart and what doesn’t. It gives you insight into what’s going on at a subconscious level.

When you pick a favourite, it’s a great way to dig deep and search for the good that has happened. No matter how bad something was, there is always something good.

Sharing the hi-lite reel or a favourite snapshot creates a new moment between you and someone else. Anytime you share what’s truly in your heart, it matters. People can feel it when it’s genuine.

As you go through the holidays, I would encourage you to live moment to moment accepting all that comes to you like you chose it and to keep flowing with life.

As each day or each event comes to a close, play through the hi-lite reel in your mind and in your heart, then choose the moments that stand out. Of all of the moments, notice which ones created snapshots and pick some favourites.

If someone was with you then let them know they made the hi-lite reel, you never know who you might make a new connection with, or how you can deepen an existing one.

As Maya Angelou told Oprah…

Your legacy is every life you touch.

It’s always a good time to work on your legacy.

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