I quit doing New Years resolutions.
I have tried them in the past, but they seem like a torture test to me as they seem to focus on your weaknesses. Declutter your house, lose weight, set your budget, fold all of your laundry out of the dryer… and I pretty much can’t wait to quit doing any of it by January 5.
I’ve learned about vision boards, and the power of writing your goals out. Posting them somewhere you will see them everyday, and planning all of the steps.
I have a lot of unapplied knowledge about goals that I really should apply.
But I don’t do well with wandering aimlessly through life. So I do keep a destination in mind. Then I commit to some kind of action I can take that will move me towards my destination…but with an exit point… something like writing a blog post everyday for 2 years.
The exit point is there to allow me to stop without letting myself down, it doesn’t mean I have to stop at that point. It simply means I’m going to do it until then without fail, and then re-evaluate when I get there.
This gives me direction, allows me to see progression, and keeps me working towards a certain outcome. It works well for me.
So if you struggle with New Years resolutions like I do… maybe this will help.
Just make a small daily actionable commitment towards a bigger goal, so you can see where you end up!
If nothing else, it is a fun little adventure.
And who doesn’t love an adventure now and then!