The story changes everything

I used to think everything in the world was concrete.

If I saw it, thought it, or someone told me it … it was truth.

When the “truth” changed I thought it was luck.

But then I learned that our whole reality is based on our perception.

I began to understand that the story I told myself affected the situation more than any other thing.

Learning to see things differently, and looking for ways to get outside of myself so I could tell a different story has been a game changer.

The exact same situation can be gloomy and keep you up at night, or can be extremely lucky just by changing the angle you are looking at it from.

The glass can be half empty and half full, but when the tap is turned on… all you have to do is find a way to get the glass under the running water. That’s where your time is best spent.

Surround yourself with people who help you to move the cup.

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