What is it about your parents that inspires you to be who you are today?
Some people might say that they want to be the opposite of who their parents were, but usually there are some qualities, or maybe bad habits, that you have adopted because of them.
It may or may not be things they specifically taught you, but behaviours you were exposed to.
Were they conscious of their health? Fitness level?
Were they great salesman, or excellent in business?
Did they care for people, or care for things?
Maybe they had a wicked sense of humour, or maybe they were excellent cooks.
Whatever you saw in them has inspired you to become who you are, without you really putting much thought into it. You admire, or excuse, what they have done and you move in that same direction.
Your children are doing the same thing.
You don’t have to nag them to become certain people. You have to model the type of person you wish for them to become. You have to be as much of that person so they can see how it’s done… and if it speaks to them, they will become that person… and they might become better at it than you.
It’s easy to see who we want out children to be, we think they are special and hold such greatness. And they are.
And so are you.
It’s time to level up.