This time it’s different

Except it’s rarely ever different.

Our thoughts mostly repeat themselves all day long and when we are consciously trying to make decisions, we fatigue quickly.

And so we run the same patterns over and over.

We are conditioned by our past.

We are limited by our beliefs.

So the next time you think someone is going to “get it”, or that this time it will be different. Think again.

Change is hard and it happens slowly and almost imperceptibly.

If you have been observing, but not seeing any change in the way someone is thinking or seeing, then it’s not going to be different this time.

Temporary change is much easier.

Long term change takes effort. And they have to want to change for their own reasons.

Accepting that this is who they are will get you further than always waiting for them to “get it”.

It’s not different this time unless you’ve changed. It always starts with you. This time will only be different if YOU see it differently.

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