I had a knowing. Deep down inside I knew I could be doing life better. But I wasn’t.
I had lots of reasons…excuses. The kids need me, I don’t have any money, it is not the right time, or better yet, I don’t have enough time. On an on they went.
I knew I could do better with my gifts. I blamed it on the bad weather and the good weather, on the dark basement, on my computer, on my support network, or on my lack of support network.
Deep down, and sometimes more clearly than others… it still nagged at me. I was playing it safe and I knew it.
I am not angry with myself for playing it safe. I honor the reasons I felt were important for me to play it safe. They were very good reasons at the time, but enough is enough.
Now is the perfect time…. And now was always the perfect time.
I choose myself.
I pick me.
No more hiding. No more playing it safe. No more putting ALL of my energy into supporting someone else’s dreams.
Now, I will support my dreams as well, and learn as we go. Am I scared? Yes.
Do I want to deny myself living a life that I have dared to dream? Not anymore.
I’m not getting any younger or buying any more time.
So here we go… Let’s leap.